Our Mission

With protests proving ineffective and new policies restricting us, we face our last chance to create real change. So join us now in making a difference and shaping a better future for all.

Animal Rights.
Human Rights.
Total Liberation.
Animal Rights.
Human Rights.
Total Liberation.
Animal Rights.
Human Rights.
Total Liberation.
Animal Rights.
Human Rights.
Total Liberation.

Agriculture Fairness Alliance® is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit whose mission is to strategically employ lobbyists to accelerate policy changes that make sustainable plant-based food accessible to everyone at a price they can afford, empower communities to develop local plant based agriculture systems, and give farmers tools and strategy to transition from animal ag to plant based farming.

At AFA we support the following principles


Local Food Supply and Plant-Based Hubs

Policies should seek to reconnect local plant-based farmers to local consumers by increasing subsidies, funding, and/or programs for domestic plant-based crops specifically for human consumption.

These policies should also increase access for all Americans to nutritional food crops including fiber-rich foods, grains, and fungi by expanding funding programs available for plant-based farmers.


Farmer Mobility and Choice

The 2023 Farm Bill should give ranchers and farmers better options by helping them transition to plant-based farming in response to mitigating livestock disease, avert climate impacts, and to create a local, healthy food supply.

The government should prioritize programs for small and medium-sized farmers providing them direct assistance that is more economically sound for their livelihoods and will reduce their dependency on government funding.

We suggest adopting a pilot program modeled after the work of the Rancher Advocacy Program, a program founded by a former cattle rancher in Texas who helps farmers transition to sustainable, fiber-rich crop production.

AFA has legislative language (the Farm and Ranch Mobility SustainabilityAct – FARMS Act) that offers options to American farmers wanting to tap into the fast-growing fiber-rich foods market.


Increase accessibility to Nutrients of Public Health Concern

The following under-consumed nutrients are listed as a public health concern in the dietary guidelines for Americans 2020-2025:  Calcium, Vitamin D, Potassium, Fiber, and Iron.

Farm Bill policies should aim to increase nutrient-dense plant-based food access for SNAP programs, as well as for all Americans adversely impacted by increasing inflation.


Plate to Planet Soil Regeneration

To truly create sustainable food production, expanded research programs that look at the cost, speed, and resources needed to regenerate soil with certain plant types should be implemented.


Plant-Based Growers Safety Nets

Policies should ensure that plant growers are fairly recognized by programs that utilize the Commodity Credit Corporation and other resources when there are relief programs such as those created in response to extraordinary events.


Racial Equity & Access to Funding to BIPOC Consumers and Farmers

The Committee should undertake a review of all federal programs that unfairly deny or leave out BIPOC consumers and farmers to understand what the cause of limited utilization is.

All federal programs should ensure equal access to BIPOC consumers and farmers and should utilize technology and local consultants.